Brief description
Routing design service offers cutting edge PCB routing services to global companies that use PCB as an important part of product companies. We understand that routing is a time consuming process in a PCB design that's why we assist companies can reduce the total PCB design time by using our PCB design services.

This service offers world class manual routing services for any types of PCB. By using our routing services, you can accelerate the design process and complete the design by 50% faster time.
We provide you with a unique methodology where you can send us your design files which are required only for routing, thereby protecting your design and not worrying about IP (Intellectual property).
Why spend same cost for design and routing when Pramura offers routing services at a fraction of your design cost without compromising on quality. Our cost of service is economical, there by reducing your total design cost.
Our current output will be fully compatible with you.
How this works
We have developed special design methodologies by which you can outsource only the PCB Routing work to us and integrated our completed PCB route file into your ongoing design for any design software. We use high standard tools specially designed to route traces fast and accurate. With over 30 years of experience we guarantee our customers quality and on time delivery.

Technical Advantages:
Capable of Complex PCB Design Routing
Reduce your design time by more than 50%
Manual routing of PCB for any complexity
Equal line length routing with specified tolerance
Differential/High speed signal routing/Ground shielding
Design Rule Check and report generation.
100% Quality assured through automatic checking tools
Auto router is also possible for some cases and partially auto route designs is also possible.
Business Advantages:
Good customer service and support
Very attractive and flexible pricing
Customers are not required to give us complete design files, thereby ensuring they maintain the confidentiality of the design.
Faster placement of your order
Quicker completion of your design
Online order processing and online payment is possible through this portal
If found any error, we will do rework at free of cost.
Instant Quote
*Mandatory fields
- We require certain details for proceeding the Routing design, kindly share through by email.
- We will provide separate FTP site for uploading/ downloading the files